Tuesday 13 August 2019

DEAD in the Back of My Car...

My Gal boo is going Stiff right now IN THE BACK OF MY CAR... I asked a couple of people to help me, and all I Got was a CHROME PLATED SHOVEL from a neighbour...

Later tonight ON MY OWN without a YouTube Camera, I will Put My favourite living thing in the Ground, just over the road at the Edge of a Football Field. Where we walked Tumbled and had so much entangled intimacy with Snuggles n cuddles 

OMG, today will alter the pointless course of my meaningless life, The only Great significance I can draw from all my entire Life, is the sweet Love I got From Boo... OMG my heart is on a George Forman GRIDDLE, No Human can ever equal the selfless love and continuous close devotion She gave me daily... Now every Day is without Her... Please have mercy +

Still in the back of my Car 6.5 hours since She died, I checked on Her and Held Her just a few minutes ago, and She is beginning to go into Rigour Mortis and getting stiffer, I Held her and Rubbed her tummy, My Heart is missing a Valve, My Family is without a survivor My soul is ~surfing on a Tsunami towards rocks and destruction, Please 'Originator' Have mercy on me

Sadness is Educational, may I learn from my loss Wickedness... and total ignorance, I deserve no more than I have Got: but if in doubt when you cant see because of tears, be Either Depleted Defeated or Short sighted dont evr say you saw the truth, NOBODY WOULDEVER BELIEVE YOU..

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