Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Value of a Soul...

So many people would sell it.. and for so little anyway, its worth, Zilch, zero, nothing,.. so get what you can while it's still fresh and someone wants it buy it.. Oh.. you already did without realising... it only lasts as long as you have sex appeal..

The Devil always gets the best bargain's and
the prettiest Virgins.. Actually a Soul has only intrinsic value; it has no Re-Sale market, once its soiled and tainted it has no more worth than dirty underwear.. like a used sheath.. it is to be discarded, until you get the rare chance to live again... Like a saturated Tampon, as it's taken all it can absorb...

then you have a reconditioned one, but it comes with no Guarantee or warranty.. you sign on the dotted line... that all damage is accidental or divine... There is no Support group or helpline... you will always be alone to the end of the line...

the gates of heaven are the Labia preceding a Vagina an organic Black Hole from which light is never emitted.. where you leave your calling card to eternity.. but there is no refund on a life made worthless, as you didn't pay in the first place... Hell is the very idea of living all over again.. just keep me in the cold store.. as living is too much hard work... let other people fill the gap.. nobody will notice...

Life is like playing Roulette in Vegas. the house of Wax always wins... when you are melted into chips of almost no value.. the best lives are lived drug free in a jungle far from Humanity, (so called)... frankly ' I dont give a Huckleberry fin'...

All living is Sin, all desire is selfish, all pleasure is seduction, all thoughts are Ego.. better to have nothing, than to be nothing.. it's the most difficult Lollipop to suck... it is without sugar, and redemption... it never satisfies: there is never enough to fill a greedy heart, no acquisition ever completes you... no artificial object can equal the Love of God...

the greatest gift is given to others.. never to you.. and the good would wish it that way, only evil wants it for itself...

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