Thursday 3 January 2013

Norovirus epidemic

Wash Your hands before you touch your face... there are so many filthy people everywhere, including you... when you dont wash you hands frequently enough.. You become infected... and faeces are everywhere... Everywhere!... Shit is pervasive and prolific.. the norovirus lives in it... 

it lives for 48hrs on paper money.. but a week on unwashed body parts; Ahem.. may you be delivered from the hell of a bug that makes you vomit from both ends, at the same time...

No I haven't had it yet, but I take nothing for granted these days, and health is the last thing to gamble with.. best to live in a bubble.. and avoid the general public, coz they are all tainted with the grime of city life.. Mentally Morally and hygienically corrupt... the moment you step out of your house your under attack from hazards that can be avoided.. just by the cleansing act of washing your hands..

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