Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Shadows are the darkness...

Recently Started using a "nite-light" a glass tube which randomly generates ever changing mixes of all the interactions of primary colours, as they fade from one into the other; integrating and saturating.. Why?...

Because I have become afraid of the dark... not the dark itself.. ironically; but the Shadows that darkness makes within the faintly visible light... those areas of unknown content.. and a dark room is one big Shadow...

Because, as I was telling My Psychiatrist recently "Aliens are trying to communicate with me, but I'm too shy to say hello".... She said... "embrace the object of Your fear, and face it, or You will never know if it was there at all..." everything You imagine is there until You disprove it... that's the difference between, Cowardice & Madness... Be a Man and face Your Fear's... or tremble in a duck down quilt till doomsday...

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