Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Hunger for Beauty...

It is a sickening hunger for the source of Beauty, or to capture it momentarily as no grip on an object is strong enough to last forever, all things indeed do pass, Thank You "George" for that startling insight, which the more you ponder it.. the deeper it becomes... and a glimpse into a nanosecond of infinity.. 

Man is halfway between the infinitely Large, and the immeasurably small, as they still have not got any where near to the true unimaginable minuscule that makes a Quantum jump just a footstep into a "Grand Canyon" of the threshold of all things at once! the god node; unpredictable randomness at the absolute point of the final particle...

so if we are halfway to the edge of intersteller space "out there" there is the same tremendos Journey to the final particle within, we are thinking atoms floating in various viscus states of suspension... we are halfway to Eternity, 

Beauty is state of mind within, caused by external observations of the the thing or person you want most, to get within, in a manner of speaking... but ironically is a metafore for carnal activity to put it politely, but remember it is the feeling for that beauty, it enhances your life like a narcotic, coz love is the beauty, it chemically alters you, the object of Love must always be Beautiful, otherwise it is antithetical...

And the Desire to be near to and to know and to touch with not mearly fingers and carnality, but with the ineffable presence of the Beauty it evokes within You, that soothing feeling of being loved... just the knowledge of it is enough to sustain You.... and even a distant mirage of a memory from far over the horizon of old ghost trains of memory's burnt branded even into the muscle tissue of Your beating heart..

Love is Always the search for beauty, other than just a face, though many souls are burnt for want of just a face... and long for those "Marionettes" who dance for a dollar a kiss..  unattainable obsessions that drive men Mad or to murder.. better put it back in the closet with your blow up doll..

So the point is; nothing is directly felt, however close you get, the real Essence of what is held to be Beautiful is the thought of it... it is already with You as You think it, contemplate it, and recreate it in your mind like a gas cloud hologram.. not even Sex, nothing is directly felt.. it is the transmission of it within your mind where you really are, it is only the mind that ever touches.. and to seek that state is the immortal Hunger for Beauty, why flowers are, and why birds sing, it is the natural state of the Universe to find beauty and become it.... and it is a state of mind, it cant exist otherwise, can it?... the Cosmos is a mind, the galaxy's are neurones, and the mind of the creator is pure coherant energy, a waterfall of super novas.. and the source of all hope...

Because the essence of Beauty is Divine Love...

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