Thursday, 10 May 2012

Blood sports..

Watching the wonderful Show "Cheaters" so entertaining; other peoples Distress and Torment, is truly thrilling... it seems to me, Emotional Love turns people into Vegetables.. baying wolves... & self roasting pigs on spits...

How Shallow and worthless Human emotions are.. You can't trust anyone especially those frauds who tell you, that they Love You... how Cringe worthy and vomit inducing.. the veneer people make life changing judgement's upon.. 

They should arrest people who kiss in the street.. and whip them in public for being so Stupid... Lovers are all assholes, give me Hate any day, much more meaningful than "snap value decisions" folk make to fuck... Yuk... based on desire and selfish greed for mere sensual feedback, no wonder there are so many worthless kids in this World... we are all the Children of Cheap dirty momentary reflexes to fuck or be fucked... all that bullshit, just to rub genitals, when it comes to Human love... "nobody tells the truth, or ever keeps their promises".. I would rather Wank in a Casket, that fry alive in a bed with silk sheets.. with Demons who having consumed You...

Move on to the next Victim exactly like a Blood drinker.. no wonder Vampire movies are so popular... Humanity?, kiss my ass.. your no better than fornicating Rats in a slaughterhouse living off the discarded Flesh the Butcher threw away...the stuff they make Dog food out of... whereas God Food is the real thing nobody ever consumes... it's to expensive to the Soul... and the cheap in Heart..

When is the next Train to Hell?... Hey; Your already on it... Thank God I am single, it is paradise compared to the compromise of most torrid love affairs, that end in resent hate hurt & betrayal.... I hope You all catch Herpes and drown in weeping scabs that never heal... then take to Your bed to die in the self pitying delusions of false memories...

Sterilise everyone, then we will all die out.. and the Earth can Heal itself again.. Eugenics suddenly seems like such a good idea, and so practical...

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