Friday, 6 April 2012

Mutual Psychoanalysis...

Did You Know... that Psychotherapy is defined as exploratory conversation; well, by me anyway.. it is a deep exchange of intimate and personal information slowly with a precise guidance and encouragement, it unlocks the Box.... of the Self; to feel; to be, free, of doubt; and nurtured; with Genuine Good intentions

Trust is found there, peace, and self worth, like Whitney Sung so well in... "The Greatest Love of all" (r.i.p.) so dont be afraid of being intermittently insane, find and listen to your unconscious mind, it is a lost twin within that You must get acquainted with to be a Whole person, the power of its influence is Profound.. and essential to a wholesome life..

it's a bit like Falling in Love is; where You both mutually open each other up to the other, and become that better person (incarnation) that You can be & reach toward... that reaches right back to You.. and fulfils every waking moment with reassurance and acceptance.... the Promise of Tranquillity.. the journey toward it; we never entirely arrive, but the Journey is your transmogrification into a higher entity, that is an electric lightening bolt held together in a soup of neurones and synaptic transmitters... resulting in a thought that rises to the surface in an action or word.. Keeping control, not being controlled, enjoying Your free will, but freedom is the biggest Prison, inside.... if you cant find Freedom of the spirit "within"...

Just like the random encounters we have with romantic love, a real measurable sense of continuous Joy like the waves of a seductive drug washing over You naturally... while it lasts, those moments are never ending, to be without them is unthinkable... so dont think it...

Who said "KNOW THYSELF" Some Greek Guy!... or was it a Roman?...

it's a big ask but it's worth a damn good try!.. You cant do it all on your own; People need people so find somebody to "Talk to"... coz we all need a little purging Mutual Psychoanalysis... sooner or later.. You need another person to give you back to Yourself... but it needs a real connection to make it happen: and they are difficult to find..

Try 1800 The Samaritans.. I have spent weeks on the phone with those Guy's; it's a start, You need to explain, to confess, or both to find out; Who you are and Where Your at... Dont You? Well I did; but now I have found myself, I consider it my Duty to help others find themselves too... and so will You, when it's Your turn to lend a helping and see Yourself in a Beggars Face... 

Happy Good Friday, & Good Luck to all You Wicked Sinners... When will it be Your turn to get on Your Knees.... Pe@ce not Destruction in 2012: it's not the End of the World: Dont believe the Hype... it's The start of a New one..

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