Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Andy's new G/friend

Andy's New G/friend, is Frightening.. lets call her Helga, that would suit as she does look like the kind of woman who could play the part of a Concentration camp Guard with a reputation for unprovoked acts of cruelty & bestiality...

Blond, Tall, Thick set, (Muscular not Fat) looks like she could flaw you with just a hard slap!... but as Soon as She opens Her Mouth things Change OMG.. I couldn't get away from them quicker, but tolerated 45mins, of sheer anguish, she talks in a quick high MONOTONE.. without inflection feeling or any art of mystery and gentleness... 

She Talks at You and never stops, or listens to any word of Your replies.. if You start to talk, she will talk over You, which is very frustrating as You can imagine for ME!.. as I like to pull words from the air and "interact" with those present.. She is a monster, When She Said She was going down the Shop, My Heart Leapt with Delight, so I could have a Man to Man With My Pal, as thats who I had come to see.. 

But he was at Her Place, So I couldn't exactly tell her to "fuck off" Who Would dare... she'd go right to Kitchen and find a Large serrated blade and carve me up.. In my opinion She an addictive feeble minded half/animal of almost 2m in height weighing around 155lbs, hey shes not Ugly, but her facial expressions are seen in Asylums, and her vocal delivery is a Gnawing irritation that eats your concentration, it becomes atrition in word combat.. and eventually all Your expressive juices dry out like meat in the desert.. for wolves to chew on.. I Recommend a Lobotomy.. 

"HELGA" not her real name because I want to protect her feelings, and also the possibility she might hunt me down and Kill/shag me.. not a fuckin Chance not even a blind Homo would want to Fuck me!! & not that She Would ever read my Blog, as Her main Pursuit is "another drink" and more Dick... 

Andy says He's Exhausted.. The More He Gives her the more She wants, and Andy cant get away from her, as She lives only 40m down the road from him... and she Drinks to excess and verbally abuses Andy, and its really getting him down.. 

He is a quivvering Wrek, at the bottom of the Cesspit of Humamnity, she couldnt be More COMMON and BRUTISH.. Andy want's do dissapear at My Place for a week or so, he can sleep in the Sunroom, on a coutch, but he's too chicken to take radical action, and endlessy reapeats about 7 Phrases... (which I wont repeat out of respect) but I honestly think, they and ME included ought to get some councelling and Therapy... coz we all gravitate toward each other, Empathy is for all of Us not just them, I am a Fuck up too, but in a more abstract kind of way...

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