Saturday, 3 September 2011

just about ready to go compleatly off my head..

So I went back to bed till now and am still clearing my chest throat of phlegm n vomit, and now unbelievably, strange anomalies are happening to my system, my wireless keyboard & mouse have stopped working totally, both SETS!! x2 x2 and I am losing my tiny fucking mind.. maybe it was my near death experiences, how???? I am pissed off to hell... and still coughing like gas chamber victim on acid vomit that I breathed in earlier...

That was one of the most disturbing horrific things that ever happened to me the most distressing ever... Oh Fucking bastard Jesus motherfucking Christ... gonna have to go out and take a break coz I am losing it big time mentally, gotta clear my head n lungs... I was terrified I couldn't breathe, all I could feel was Hot Acid Vomit in my lungs... and the K/board and mouse have stopped working so I have to use the laptop K&M 2 ft away.... why would all this suddenly go wrong?????????? WHY WHY, I am losing my mind.. and patients and about to destroy anything that wont work....

TAKE 5... out CUT......

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