Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Global impending disaster...

not to mention Nature itself... a Butterfly's Wings in East Africa will kill us all... just like the wrinkled lips of an Old man called Donny... God save us all from his localised Mafia which seems to exist...

How can you Sack so many people and celebrate it... something is very wrong in the USA... what it actually is... Who can say... save us from the mean bitterness of a Nasty old poisoned geriatric...

from now on no more Presidents over 35... Old Men are too embittered to make rational decisions for the wide world, let alone America... We are witnessing a Disaster only seen in a Dystopic fantasy... it is the end of the World as we knew it...

x2 old fools dictate our futures... Trump n Putin... what hope is there for freedom from opression and injustice... anywhere let alone here! We are all SLAVES to the whims of Old Fools... lets be frank and doubt it no more...

its never been a finer time to Die... please make it painless...

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Universal Embarrassment

who? ever wants to watch that exchange in the Oval office again... not me baby.. I am as sick as a person can be who has lost all faith in the United States Leadership if not the entire country altogether... 

shit sleeps on the streets, and Shits run the white-house who is the poorest... those without good manners... and a civilised interaction with his fellow man...

this did not happen Yesterday, it was a nasty old man punishing a distant relation, to the point of asking him to leave... this is the start of whole Earth suicide in the name of a nasty old Granddad/prick called Donald... 

by his irretrievable actions he has ruptured the state of Peace we all grew up with... God damn him...

this is the end of comfort as we grew and knew it...

an Illiterate ignorant Unqualified EGOTIST is ruining the free world as we knew it with his old Ugly Mouth filled with VENOM and retribution... God save us all from the Anti-Christ called Donny...

what happened was a travesty of lost manners... it must sicken anyone who watches it... such terrible bad manners and outrageous declamations to the head of a war fighting state who need all the help they can get...

I am embarrassed very agonisingly deeply... I always believed in the high civilised minds of the America we used to know, to love and depend on... to always help us when we get bullied and bombed by malefactors with corrupt agendas...

now Our old friends become no less than Enemies, thank God they are not Enemas I would hate to have them up my Ass-hole, very uncomfortable with trumps soulless Gaze as he buggers you... 

Trump is a Fornicator and a Faggot simultaneously... as there is no difference between his butt hole and his mouth which is also a purveyor of much disgusting Excrement... dripping daily from his DEMONIC illiterate Gob...

Trump is a road-bump you never wanna try driving over... with low treads... he is a stop on site situation... go no further or expire.. certain death is to believe in an orange man: it is almost like the original "Planet of the Apes" that Orange Monkey with all the power, was a hieroglyph of Donny...

at least Charleston Heston was a Deeply human American, unlike the great Humiliation that is Trump the chump...

addendum post mortum

will ad later just wanted to post some fresh excrement of the mind... to hell with Donny, he will eat his own regret in Magnums...the whole world really hates you now 4EVER... you BITCH !!!

We need a JFK event to rid us of this Cancer of hatred IMMEDIATELY TODAY EVEN... God help us, we cant do it ourselves... +

 where is JESUS when you need him !!!

Friday, 28 February 2025


Today has come: what a reassurance mixed with disappointment, the clock is running and your "time is coming" it gets closer every second left alone hours months and years, it is already here... it is stalking you without your knowledge...

for every Prisoner of conscience and victim of endless oppression this is it; another day in abject misery slavery and subjugation... You are a slave to sorrow when you cry and dont stop... grief consumes you like a furry Mould, so many worthless useless lives, just look at the Streets of America...

Dante's Inferno has come to life and lives amongst you, but most of all in the hearts of cowards and losers... like me... Hunger is no doubt the greatest pain of all, the need for sustenance and full tummy... how do you cope with such discomfort and pain? 

I guess you try crossing over thew border to America the Big Mothering Bitch with full tits and plenty to give... the Whole under-world wants a FREE LUNCH... can you really blame em duh, but let us be real...

mass invasion is very unsettling you can totally identify with Trumps Phrase said way back in 2016 "they are all Murderers rapists and Thieves" actually he wasn't far wrong... kudos to Donny... for saying what nobody else had the balls to utter, but that in itself creates unwanted conflicts both inner and outer... and initiates more conflict... based on discrimination, you cant deny it... but sometimes it helps results; and makes sense:

apparently we have 6 billion years till the sun runs out, but we only have comparably mini milliseconds to make a mark and or a difference, I call that almost impossible... if we cannot cohere as one in a true new world order, all looking after each other, if you spent the Money on defence on helping the poor and very ignorant people, we would have a slightly better shit-hole to live in...

Who is actually the enemy? it turns out rather surprising, it is the Peacemakers... Paranoia alone triggers the unstoppable... the mistake in reason and history all in one darn day...

this really is it, thank you Michael Jackson for saying it first we miss and love you, you lovable pervert... at least you didn't F*** my kids... 

Friday, 21 February 2025

Most dangerous geriatric in History...

Oh Boy... Donald Trump is making waves across the globe, as his mouth is outta control from his reason, he dribble shit with every sentence; talks like a Truck driver without sat-nav or any good manners, he has none.... 

he may have mega money but he got no good taste just look as his Wife, she is a vacant posing parking space with the body of a Woman, she is as Shallow Hollow and empty of all depth as her 'Old Man' these folk have NO SUBSTANCE or meaningful intellect... 


He is rude crude and swears in the name of America from the Oval office... (very Disgraceful) I do like a small part of him, his ridiculous outlandish sweeping statements, to end the war on his first Day, well it didn't happen and it wont happen, which makes him an exaggerating Big mouthed LIAR and a deep trough diving bullshitter, who's double talk never ends... 

his verbal Diarrhoea is toxic and ends lifelong friend ship in a sentence...

he should be more careful with his words, one wrong phrase could trigger the final deployment of hate weapons... Donny never served a day in the Military or a day in a real college or university, Hey what-d'ya Know, the President is an Imbecile with a massive missing intellect, coz he is too lazy to learn all the rules... 

and he is a prolific fornicator who made many a replica of himself... many of which are vacant Idolaters like him..

remember this He has NO real actual qualifications except a Driving licence, and exemption to carry a gun... He is actually ''a 12 yr old child in an old mans body'' and it shows how outta touch he actually is, when he landed all that negative nonsense on the Leader of Ukraine... 

Who is a more Honorable Man than Trump could ever ascertain to be... because he is a shallow fake and monster who cheated the entire population of the EARTH to have the power to do all his EGO dictates...

lets be honest and face it, Donny is an embittered senile old prick who has no actual right to speak out of place, which he does perpetually.... 

he is like an embarrassing Uncle at a family Wedding, everybody cant wait for him to SHUT UP n Fuk off... or fall over and break his Pelvis while dancing like an old Fool...

May God forgive him, and smack his Bottom Soon... 
may he feel the KARMA directly.... Amen +

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Death Sex and Money...

what else is there...

I am obsessed with finality sensuality and financial remuneration... is it is all there is to contemplate... what else is there?... huh;

Keeping Chickens, sadly I dont have the space... think of it all those eggs for just a few crumbs and corn you feed em, if you have a large garden or "compound" 6 Chickens can produce at least 20 eggs a month (depending on the breed) that beats bankruptcy on a budget... 

Get a CO~OP get a life of love that exceeds Human tolerance to the point of perfect inner peace... to liaise with another life from that can help you Exist... universal integration of such ordinary things it is a NO- BRAINER to assimilate into reality via thought and a little logic... to make a reality happen because you previously imagined it... that is where Dreams are bigger than the real world...

when they begin to reach fruition... the impossible before was realised after... it can be done, look at the holy atomic bomb, it is nearer to god in a device than all the hard work sweat and toil of our forebears... life is a great ride but ultimately it is utterly pointless, even A.I. agrees with that...

lets start a club.. for losers who blew it all...

ass-holes anonymous... who would turn up... only false true god loving derelict abandoned personas, Hey I am an ass-hole too... welcome friends... we can all abandon our guilt's together when we know for certain we are all butt-holes at one... in a group so large they cannot be ignored... and we got a substantial amount of Shit to dump... all over you...

We want an A.I. President who only exists in RAM and fast Chips... not a tottering senile fuck-wit Who calls Ukraine the one to blame... trump needs his oral Nappy changing coz a lot of shit is running out of him at the moment, 

Hey You want an ANTI-CHRIST well he hey, you elected one... beware the consequences of your foolhardiness... 

lets hope a miracle happens... as if... DUH... the worst is all we can hope for... kiss your genitals farewell in this random chance of a living hell, to come...

god save the rich coz money wont protect you, only increases the threat...

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Thank you America...

Thanks to all Yanks... everywhere... especially USA...

for your 6000+ Unique individual hits to my space n place on the large reef of misinformation and bullshit everywhere, thank you for reading mine, Lov ya 4 it... GBA ! I am humbled by your many looks...

I keep my Love for you a deep secret...  like true love should be because it makes you a target to admit it.. who cares; I love you till the day I am born again in your image... all people who seek freedom from slavery, want to taste the sweet gift of liberty upon their lips... every lost soul wants to be an American... just look at the Border...

to then be subsumed by fast food availability and the quick rot of American Culture, it sacrifices its own people for corporate profit... the fat people are the stocks and shares manifest in the ordinary people... it is no secrecy that obesity is the downfall of a whole society of worthless lazy has been use to be's... too fat to actually function, just like me... lol...

but hey I am one of you eating my way to Oblivion just like you do... America is a Dichotomy of conflicting seductions, everywhere is too much temptation to live a normal Guilt free life... AM culture makes it IMPOSSIBLE, no wonder people sleep on the street...

it is time to EUTHANIZE the homeless for their own good, LOL, before they euthanize themselves, with an overdose, HEY give them free overdoses, to get rid of the Puckers... hey We kill Chickens dont we? and Pigs Dont we? and Cattle dont we?...

start stopping Conception... en mass... 
not every-body has a right to LIFE !

amen may God Deliver America from itself... and its totally corrupted culture and life styles of limitless personal greed that leads to a body like a water bed filled with toxic sticky crap that you choose to eat...

very willingly... gallons of Ice Cream and so many deep fried wings and legs, you deserve every malady you acquire...

u were never taught self control, cos you dont have any to start with: AM culture in a nutshell, = eat all you can till you either Vomit or Choke to death or collapse from gravity...  


Friday, 24 January 2025

Fetish Club

the Accoutrements of the rich in London especially, but all major places of unlimited wealth Worldwide, are an awful game of one up-man-ship, in a transient existence going to the Grave without a Heart or conscience, Like Peacocks in Hell displaying their advantage right on your peasant face... that provokes you into rage envy... and empty dreams littered with an inferior humiliating disappointment... you have to get the Bus...

Ironically these people are the Scum of the Earth... those who got it and those who want it alike... yet the poorest of the poor often have Hearts of unimaginable value, when your down... they alone will help you, when all have abandoned You...

The Material world is a Morgue for the living dead to be, the glittering prizes are your Crown of thorns, eating at your desires and creating bad Mojo within you, envy breeds Cancer of the Soul...

The addictions of advanced conceit are destructive to an ordinary pleb, Gold Taps and door handles, Silk toilet paper, Graphene Condoms and Diamond Dogs, Persian carpet Tampons, and Platinum plated super Cars, that are useless for a weekly Shop as they have no space, they are not for dog owners, and you need a Chiropractor to get out of it... 

then when you get home to your new Internet wife from Asia who just wants to see you choke to death to get your cash...  to get her hundreds of relations over for a nice easy life... She is sick of sucking your Old Corn on the Cob cock covered in warts and blackheads... (Makes the Alien look like Bambi)

Who can you trust if not your one and only wife Lover girlfriend slave hustler fuck Buddy HUH...  get a Dog if you cant get through to God, he always got a 'busy' signal...

you cannot buy Happiness and desire corrupts the dreamer, be content with the little you got, or would you prefer a life in a concrete slammer... for trying to get what you did not pay for...

gotta Say I am beginning to like Donald Trump, the world is afraid of him, which is an advantage, he is gonna Make the entire World Pay what they Owe...