Monday 14 October 2024

The University of Eternity...

That is life, n reincarnation, Baby... if this life didn't hit the Max maybe the next will fulfil your expectations... to be a piglet ready for deep frying alive...

once to be a part of this quantum dimension, you are entangled all the way to the last nerve twitching after they put a bolt in your head...

What a Bloody mess, but by golly, smoked bacon tastes so nice... eventually you will consume yourself in the taste of desire itself... or even just the hope of it... if you are not content, you are already expired...

Wednesday 9 October 2024

the end my friend...

The end of civilisation is hard to conceive or believe... but my Dears, it is on its way, there is NO WAY it wont happen... 

it is the final fate of Mankind, (for now) look at the celebration of destruction that is so enthusiastically occurring over the world... people are in love with mass murder, you cant stop em, they are addicted... (all caused by misinformation)

a trigger point is going to happen (so the spirits say) by an almost accident, a tactical Nuclear weapon will be sent to IRAN, and it will trigger a Domino effect by paranoia itself... by weak selfish Pigs of leaders who even kill their own people... 

will there ever be Justice, who knows, Who is Right who is Wrong ? whoever survives can try and build a new world from survivors... coz the Hurricanes are a message from God, that you no longer have power over your own fate... 

some distant person will inadvertently cause your personal extinction...

Hard luck it sucks to die... lol '~^

War is a Plughole eventually everyone gets sucked down the bottomless vortex... welcome to the city limits of insanity.... Hic...

Monday 30 September 2024

seduces the wicked

Have you heard Jacob and the Stone...?

click to see and find peace there, where we can exist together in harmony equanimity and eternal singular fraternity of pure love and co-existence... is that comfort, to an empty heart...

(for some reason I can no longer include direct Video links from YouTube but can cut copy and paste their location and existence...)

Love to all '-"

it reminds me of MAHLERS 5th symphony for its ability to annul sadness by equalling it in tumultuous emotion, this is my funeral Music for sure...

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Goodbye Puff Puff

You were never UNTOUCHABLE, just infinitely corruptible, what a vein scum-sucking child girl n boy fucking pervert and monster, your about to get your FINAL JUDGEMENT, lol... this is the beginning of the end of your reign over lesser souls you took mislead abused and used corrupted and dumped on the street...


WOW... what a grave mistake "He" made to think he could talk himself out of this total "Rat-Trap" he is ensnared by... all brought about by a public video of Him "beating and Kicking his Girlfriend" such Vanity and Aerobic arrogance, that is a giveaway of previous secret actions...

that were twice as bad, this is the Life of a FOOL, who had it all and kicked it into the gutter... like imbeciles do; I thought, he thought he was so clever and always in Power... but there comes a time when you will actually DO TIME, for what you previously did... in a previous time... recorded as a Crime against humanity morality and reality... to the point of

EEK, look at the fine Men who went before you, whose names are etched in Hadies lavatories walls... so many I cant be bothered to name em, btw: (no toilet paper in hell, your ass might as well burn too)

you are never free of the past as long as some huckster remembers ANYTHING derogatory... from that time when you were with... an unseen Video witness... exists... it is a sociological nightmare, the end of any Career !, the doubt alone is as much a conviction...

Diddy did what he did, and what he did was Bad in anyone's lexicon of acceptable moralities... Diddy did so bad all who knew him may go to Jail, including that Narcissist fat ass J-Lo, thats almost funny, HOW LOW DID SHE GO, Duh...

she has swallowed every Human discharge, from Diddys Vomit to his spermatozoa and licked his Ass to boot... apparently he loves being "Rimmed"... OMG 

when the past is relived-replayed regurgitated by a hundred witnesses... Diddy is as good as dead, but he gonna take a few others wid him... wait and see, Beyonce just filed for divorce from JZ hello, you think thats it... all of RAP World is going down to the River, to meet Jesus in person...

I call that Entertainment consuming itself in empty idolatry of unwholesome false Gods who fall from on high, to way down Low... even trailer trash have more Class than these "dead beats" (the music of the devil as they used to say)

dont get me Wrong I love Hip-hop like the next grove riff beat repeat hypnotic rhythm sucker ... it trips me out Mannnn...

But this latest CNN life/Drama as it happens, is thrilling exciting and very very Entertaining, Now thats what I call... Schadenfreude Baby.... '-'

Hey you may have a shit life, but at least your not in Jail, with Diddy, imagine sharing a cell with "it" he would be up your arse and sucking you off before you even said "hello"... Who can survive His demonic influence...

frankly he is better off DEAD, it's time to do an Epstein lol... His accidental homicide saves millions in Court fees... the suspense must be KILLING HIM by the SECOND... Cold Turkey from mega Luxury is a destabilisation of the Soul...

He wont take it, he would rather be deceased coz he aint never getting released... too much privilege breeds a spoilt brat mentality... now its time to get yo Ass truly SPANKED... 

yo ass is gonna be Raw Saw and Bleed like a virgin, like many you have desecrated...

Thursday 12 September 2024

Death is Bliss...

It must be... there is no deeper rest than to melt in the arms of Morpheus and let go of all worldly worries, all distress, Heartbreak, malady's, aches and many a nameless pain... it is a totally equalised state of endless silence and peacefulness...

only barrier is "Getting there" once your finally dead your OK!.. it is the transition point that empties your bowels in terror... as you hang painfully by the neck pissing your last drop into the fowl pit beneath you...

Mozart was buried in a mass grave for the poor... now "That's a Tragedy" the downside of death is the loss of the irreplaceable the inimitable the un-match-able greatness of an original thinker... or any innocent Child... to lose your whole life before it starts... to be an Abortion or a Murder Victim like Polly Klass, even she is at peace,

it is those who are left that feel the most profound pain... the dead are fine! they are liberated from the illusion of life and its infinite complexities and dramas... you will be so glad to be dead, the suspense is finally over.

no disrespect to the dead they are the finest people I never Knew..

Wednesday 11 September 2024

9/11 forgotten...

I looked all over the News portals, and I dont see a word about 9/11, is it a glitch in the Matrix, did it actually happen... am I deluded over an event that was a bad dream... it sure looks like it... where is the Respect for the dead gone, Not a word on the BBC...

what happened... I am bemused tantalised and Flummoxed all day... at least I am paying respect, just by mentioning it... Bless em all...

you'r not Legitimate till your Dead...

Our window of Existence is closing from the moment of birth... life is a temporary structure built on bones sinews and blood continuing to pump, until it stop's... this is the quandary and dilemma for the living thinking mind... the battery's eventually GO...

but there is a Plasma that coheres somehow the best part of you is saved...

accepting non-existence over a sensual living breathing life... is a big pill to swallow... there is no Air conditioning in Hell...

all I want is NOTHING from you... but only to help you on the way to your life goal and total fulfilment, to enjoy the Achievement, and also come to terms with the devastating disappointment of failure...  from your POV in the gutter...

I wish the World a particle of Peace and Joy...
RIGHT NOW, if you want it you can have it, for FREE...

Manifest it from out of your organic calculus... feel it in your gut... touch sensuality and irresistible pleasure is the testing ground of a tempted Soul... 

Wednesday 4 September 2024

A Cowards War...

To just sit back and deploy Missiles and cruse bombs from far away, in the safety of your distant bunker, with one eye on the Strike, and the other on an internet Porn channel...

by order of the Head Pervert Mr Puke-in Putin, The dwarf with a chip on his Shoulder with the weight of his suppressed guilt, How does He sleep... 

the free world wants him to Sleep for all time... next to Stalin in that God forsaken sepulchre of the Damned where the Worlds most Prolific Mass Murderers of their own people, are stuffed with putty to keep em pretty...

its all fake, it always was and continues indefatigably...

there is something very wrong with the entire concept of "Communism" there is a lot very definitively wrong with it, it has replicated a class system of Elites and plebiscites... which it "Promised" to abandon, because they got carried away with the power at their wish and bidding... 

and we all heard Power Corrupts, and absolute power corrupts Absolutely... who can resist the easy pickings of the simple peasants... They steal as a living, thats all they do...

these Bully Boys need a Bloody Nose... and there will soon be a reason to Worry with a Collision in the South China Sea... a so called accident... 

they are taking the pulse and the piss out of the west to see if We cower in a corner like a scared Kitten, or fight for the right to defeat the dominating will of a nasty Bully...

God give the free World the strength but most of all the wit and Strategy to out pace them to the final Goal... which is total Global Domination, by force of will, as they have so many willing disposable troops, they can Smother all others by numbers alone...

No Wonder People become racists... it always comes down to us and them... hence the term ethnic cleansing... the only humane way to do it is by Sterilisation, not an AK-47 bullet, forgive the word but "Eugenics" is the global solution to our diverse culturally different fellow humans, selective breeding is a priority... let us all become Coffee with cream coloured... as long as we know how to have manners and real ethics...

dont let me get Nazi, (that is so tempting) I want peace and love to abound around the World, but not if a bunch of Bastards who harms my Friends and Kills their Children and pets... 

then we must get serious about RETRIBUTION, the kind of people who promote the behaviour of Oct 7th, ought to be literally wiped clean out and off this Planet.. by any available means whatever... a.s.a.p.

They Provoked this Attitude, with their inhumane backward ignorant beliefs and teachings of the Very Devil itself...

ISLAM IS THE ENEMY... dont you get it yet... those who dont integrate ought to re-immigrate back to the stinking shibboleth they slime'd out of... How many more Broken Hearts can we tolerate... Have no Mercy on these less than animals...

Beasts and Bastards are in every Prison of desire, they are inmates to their own chains of relentless pains...

We will be at War with IRAN b4 Christmas, 
so the Spirits say... and Yes... They LOSE...