Monday 25 April 2011

Transfer from old Blog: 00000000.1

Ever met a good person?.. they dont exist.. we are all Permutations of twisted second hand re-interpreted evaluations... not a single thought has an original path.. all conciousness is dissassembled from the ones we knew before... every DOGMA and 5th amendment is a false variation of the original corruption...

Yes.. I met the Devil and he could not solve the puzzle...
can you?.. people will rob you, just by what you speak...

Want n Need are related.. there is stuff you want, but cant get.. and there are things U need... must have.. to live by.. even if you cant afford them you gotta have... air, water, bread, warmth, love, n sex comes last... we Judge everything that enters our conciousness.. good bad right wrong etc.. "is it good for now or the long haul" is it moral or criminal...

being simple all that is so confusing... dont just react... intelligence is a distance in cerebral time spent on the evaluation of the "present moment" get it wrong and your fucked, to coin an old anglo saxon word, where we all arrived from the gutter of filth that is collective humanity.. we are all the children of premature ejaculation....

a Lot of life.. is about holding back RAGE n HATRED.. if u can do that u may see a change in your lifespan... Life is terminal and it spreads like a disease that everybody catches..

once you got it U are helpless to change it.. I used to respect anyone who went to University as a kid, as they were like Priests used to be, people who knew everything, and were to be adored...

the crazy paradox is people who have NOTHING are the best people in the World.. and they know almost nothing.. who can equate LA to the pygmies of the rain forest? who is more at peace with their REFLECTION?..

people without Rage n Anger R also equal to the best.. simple dont necessarily mean STUPID... to be CONTENT is the dividing line between Gross excess and humble selflessness.. who wants to be anybody? only an educated Westerner's with delusions of psychiatric futures...

the worst guilt is the Knowledge of it.. the worst life is the dream of it while still alive... yet with no specified pre-arranged dream sequence..

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