Thursday 19 July 2018

What will make you Happy?

Whatever it is it will in time amount to nothing that motivates you, you seek that last "Purchase" that will fulfil you... nothing will make you happy until you stop wanting the impossible.

Sorry; it's not eBay or Amazon, these "Glittering prizes" amount to padding for your coffin... there is only one decent thing to pursue, how you can make others feel better, even with a once in a lifetime Smile, a stranger who you never see again.

Happiness is the certain knowledge of Joy, that has not yet happened, but you know is on target by faith, somehow you will make it a better Day than yesterday, but don't be too sincere it can also make you a Target, balancing your peace of mind while still not excluding others, is a "wire walk' where many good manners must be fairly employed, as the heart of a Man is a Skin Stick that he wants to Stab you with,

He doesn't wanna know what books you read, what movies meant most to you, the food you like or the fashions you seek, He just wants to FUCK YOU, but young girls are so easily intimidated and persuaded, it makes my Blood Boil... so many Rapes, so FEW CONVICTIONS

However we may look down on Islamic Society, we are not so very far advanced than those lowly Geezers... all Men are Actually "Beasts in Human Clothing" but silly Virgins will always get it anyway... it's an eternal confabulation of random dynamics and many hot hormones... Women are the fodder of many a misaligned penetration of regret with a stinging STD eating you alive, Genitals up...

Coz, if you upset the "Beast in most men" which is a Childs EGO that feels all important and demanding, you are in for punishment, which is Scary, coz I was once such a Primal Prick!!

Now I see from my Aged Perspective, happiness is a succession of self-given presents and false rewards for nothing you deserve, nothing will buy away the Terror of being Murdered by Madmen who are waiting for you at the next corner, or the fear of it, most of what you fear will never happen, most of what you Desire will also never happen, but expect Either at any time...

Get used to being Foam from an Ocean of Corrupted Inhumanity. where God is Money, is the sarcophagus of Lovingkindness:

Happiness is the credit you get from the interest you paid in Others,

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