Sunday 11 February 2018

Re-Lost innocence

Every time you watch a Movie you lose the; "Virginity of the Story" you know how it ends... be honest, how many times do you need to see it again, yawn.

DVDs wot a Joke DVDs were.... How many movies do you want to watch multiple times? I used to collect em, why? acquisition for its own sake is a SIN... try remembering

Remembrance is too preemptive to erase what you already knew... I recently saw 'West Side Story' for the 1st time, and it was so awful I have yet to see the rest of it, that is one film I only want the soundtrack to, it was appallingly cringeworthy... 

The makeup was diabolically obvious and so second rate, what was considered a masterpiece then, But with "our educated modern discriminating eyes" it deeply disappoints; as a pathetic cheap overly camp and subversive to be nothing but laughed at Now!...

it was OK for the simple Nieve souls folk really were then, but today we take no Hostages, for when it comes to Truly GREAT ART there is a different rationale; 

i.e. Walt Disney and The Beatles, Who needs Jesus Christ When you can live in the same Century as "the Prophets of Love" No greater Genius or selflessness was ever given to such a large Domain of humanity in so short a Time... that Time is still NOW

That is surviving Beauty of Thought Manifest through Emotions evoked by the sheer existence of its incalculable Essence and fundamental worth by the very gravity of its heartfelt Profundity and Pure Sincerity.

the Magnificence of the Divine reflected in the Mortal Souls of Happy Children of Love... which is the warm fusion of matter touching itself in perpetuity endlessly revitalising and so cleansing in the very sheath of the soul... = acceptance of the moment in Aquiessence is the present contemplation of the Buddha in transcendence

The beginning of Knowledge 
is your own ignorance 
Shocked into Existence...

OM... G+

I.e. you live by your thoughts alone, 
Be careful where you let your thoughts go.

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