Wednesday 15 February 2017

Melancholic Madness..

Life is never an easy ride... for anyone or everybody.. it is filled with anomalies and dichotomies.. each sentient soul has their allotted moments of impasse..  but it is who you are that deals with them.. if you can't; then you wont.. ever.. and there is the trickle down syndrome of a sadness that can sometimes turn to sheer madness.. it is the cause of many a mental dysfunction.. unrequited rage burns a lifetime, till it kills you with a Heart attack..

Memories alone can mutilate a fine mind... sentimentality is a fatal trigger that causes unmitigated chaos of the Soul... the past is a Halloween dimension.. that scares you when you hold it too long in your thoughts...

I was thinking about the past and went to google maps street view, and it takes you to a place that exists completely without you... not a single skin cell survives the shredding mechanism of passing time... Old Glasgow in particular.. I lived loved ate and defecated there for, what seemed like an eternity.. but all endless eternities have an exit point..

There; you can visit places you lived and played in the past.. that tall cliff from which you fell into the future, to what you mistake as; the present.. is really a perpetual yesterday.. nothing lasts as long as disappointment...

When you realise you have no future just a failed past.. then Sadness turns to madness.. and isolated fatalistic acceptance of a future you never had anyway.. then it is time to call the Samaritans or quietly die at your own hand.. suicide is the greatest achievement of a wasted life...

dont forget to take someone with You... 
make it count..

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