Friday 3 June 2016

Hillary wins.. 5th draft..

Just woke from a sleep and saw this vision before it dissolved..

You; are about to see; History.. dont you see it clear as Day.. Hillary Clinton. WILL BE the first WOMAN President of the United states.. get your pink play clothes out.. a Female will be the first Lady with the power to Kill us all, if She gets a case of premature Menopause.. and the heavy sweats that can make a mild Woman a freak from Elm Street..

if She has already had a Hysterectomy.. then technically she is No longer a Woman in the broad sense... but Hey.. I'll put my trust in a Quasi Spinster.. coz I bet Bill long got tired of her tired old crag.. where that freak of nature.. the Gargoyle Daughter.. came from..

Their only child, whose name I dont want to remember coz it will remind me of Her strange face.. like a big female Hobbit half human half Rabbit... with a big belly full of Nuts for the winter... it's the Omen all over again, with grandma in the White house were all Fucked...

Have sex be merry and enjoy your friends, coz your ass is gonna get microwaved within space a of a brief affair... coz she got Room for all lost souls in Her mighty Vagina.. Bigger than NASA smaller than a Rabbit hole... but loads of fun for everybody...

Go America, Go Pink... Come to Momma.. time to get born again, with much merriment and a degree of tolerable pain... Anything worth living for; is worth suffering, month after month, year after year, like women do; and have done since caves were abandoned...

Go Hillary.. I got a thing about Grandma's.. they never refuse a warm cuddle... and never sexually abuse your kids... like; only men do.. and if you hire Home help, make sure all the men are Eunuchs.. as miraculously; like a bad Dog, if you chop off his balls he becomes much more trustworthy... and quite mild mannered...

and from then on, will only fight over food.... amusing isn't it?

EUGENICS the Autobahn to perfection!... Zeig.. Zeig... 
High as a kite Baby... pump that fist Bill...

in Hillary you will have not one but TWO presidents.. how handy to have such an advisor with so intimate a knowledge of your future Job.. who can at least entertain your office staff, with His Guile wit, and knowledge of the whereabouts of every office supplies Cupboard in the white house, not to mention the Pentagon... 

at least he cuts his fingernails, and uses moisturizer on his privates, guaranteed to add a picont of pleasure when riding .. bareback mountain style.. Oh Bill.. I thought you were Hetro, you damn closet Homo... with a Dick that has no "memory"... who knows the whole sordid story.. he is still the Guy; who is the only Man; ever in America; who Gets to personally Fuck the President.. with Impunity!!..

The night She get's in; so will Bill... for commemorative purposes if nothing else.. to show Her; who is really still Boss.. Pappa Boo Boo in his mouse slippers and strap on extras.. Ride that Pony Bill.. but dont bust a gut; or a blood vessel... in your brain it might kill you, but in your dick it just adds, 'another lump'...

a Whole lotta shakin goin on baby.. 
but that's rock n Roll; you asshole!..

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