Thursday 7 April 2016


I saw Her again just today, and you know it's quite funny.. coz both times I saw Her in the last week I was on my way to my Dealer to score a fix.. and there is no way on Earth I was gonna interrupt my vital journey to make dum ass small talk, with a Person who secretly fears loathes and despises you.. in the first place.. lol.. not bloody likely?

2 thoughts crossed my mind; as She waited at the pedestrian Crossing, 1: Scream Her name out the window!, 2: ditto + Beep My horn; I think she saw me.. I dont care if She didn't.. I hope she didn't.. but you never know.. and the irony of the above paragraph made me chuckle.. all the way there... and strangely both times I saw her it was 18:10pm.. I must consult the Quabbala to see it thats significant.. lmfao..

mind You when I do encounter Her again; whenever, as it is likely to happen.. we both live in the same town.. I will be more charming than the Devil himself.. and totally attune to Her Vibrations.. with the minimum time and fuss as to make it courteously acceptable.. I was going to say Humaine, but that has repercussions of interpretation that I do not want to alarm Her or You (my pet reader) with; so I omitted it, yet thought it appropriate to still qualify my sensitivity to it anyway; by explaining it...

to illicit thoughtfulness.. mindfulness.. with minimal distress.. as she is a sensitive old soul, and I dont want to give Her a Heart attack.. or a nervous breakdown by any hint of harm.. Sorry I called her a Hag.. could have been a lot worse!..

She is far from it.. a slim distinguished Handsome Woman with tiny chin and a child like smile.. big eyes... and natural curly hair... for 65 She still stops traffic in the street.. distantly related to Arabic royalty via a journey through Israel.. over many generations.. and it shows...

Pe@ce out:

Om, shanti shanti shanti.. did you hear it? at one point I listened to it almost 30 times over, as it is 13 mins long and it was on for nearly 5 hours.. approx... it is very "centering and healing"... 

The Girl who sang it must be an angel.. how very fortunate I feel for accidently discovering it.. and sharing it with others.. is a privilege in itself...

its XBOX night.. and the memory unit reset all my game levels!! so I have to start from scratch to get to where I was.. 

hah; Just like life..

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