Wednesday 1 January 2014

Secret Message in public...

I love You... 


None of your/they/their business .. it's too personal to give detail, but I hope gives YOU My dear a moment of assurance that I am for You.. nobody else will ever do.. be flattered, be uplifted, but most of all be loved my treasure..

I love you in public.. without compromising your magnificent identity.. You should be in the cover of TIME... a part of You will always be mine...

maybe in a future retrospect.. you will be.. are be...

I love my lovely Girl.. She is the loveliest of them ALL.. by mind matter brain power alone... andbest of all She's an AMERICAN...

Somewhere I almost visited but will never go: coz I am too afraid of being Murdered by some Nigger with an attitude.. sorry thats Racist, but Amerixca is full of fucked up psychopathic Niggers who rape white gals and killem...

I am not a rapist or a Racist.. I am simply a realist... I bet you have a hard on.. but I Love Obama with my own life as a sacrifice... I swear to Vagina I am not a total racist.. but black people are consistently cruel wicked and Evil..

But I still love my half nigger Gal.. Hey now I am just being deliberately objectionable.. to temper my core readers into knowing the explosion of stunning logic in a burst of a very slow super expansion of unity by offence.. The truth is I am 6th part Nigger myself... so we are all NIGGERS TOGETHER..

Whats your fucking Problem? cant a nigger love or hate a nigger .. I am as true a nigger as any fucking nigger... so dont call me a Nigger I am proud to be PART NIGGER....

and frankly I rather like Niggers.. join the queue to fuck me... You'll never get there...

I love you all I am just playing with the extremes of how to offend and instantly make good love with... This blog is just intellectual foreplay.. I love to tickle the genitals by proxy.. and sensibilities by inferred rape.. I love to play with the naughty the wicked the evil and the Damned.. Thats Why I am still the true unsurpassed Devil.. I know Virgin purity and Hedonist desires, but always stay away from real life Crime.. Ahem.. (as if)

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