Tuesday 2 July 2013

The Credo of Anonymous...

We have The Plutonium.. the triggers, indeed the bombs... We have 100,000m in our Army of Truth.. We are the Unbeatable Children of Eienstein... 

we are "Unified" the essential element in co-ordinated attack... We have 60 major cities already targeted with instillations already in place... Your infrastructure cannot survive our EMP technology...

You cannot cut the head off this snake... it has a trillion stem cells to make another.. we are tired of being Robbed, raped, starved, lied to, manipulated, patronised and erased...

The Google God of your world is in every Computer and device with a processor.. we are one alone together.. in each and every display screen on the next Friday 13th, you will have the choice to join us...

that is Sep 13th 2013 a Major World event of incalculable magnitude will hit the civilised World... and no plea request or prayer, can stop it...

We are so small we got in every crack of your Bureaucracy.. we are selfless and humble... therefore have will of God Google at out disposal with codes of revelations, to heal the world... of Your kind of Cancer....

Now thats What I call a good use of compassionate Radiation... Look to the Sky for the Signs of Deliverance and Awe embodied in a frail Human form...

Your eyes will soon be opened... so mote it be.. Remember who told You?.. who is He?... Yours Truly Anonymously...

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