Sunday 21 April 2013

The Breeding Law

in 100 years, they will look back and consider us almost medieval in our blind ignorance of population control.. by then Islam the dogma of incestuous ignorance will be mitigated into a chapter of nonsense, lost in the past.. as is defiantly should...Quite simply Man is fucking himself into Extinction..

I mention this subject repeatedly.. because when they dig me up in Internet Archaeology.. because there are GOD servers that record everything... 

When they dig this Blog up they will say.. this blogger got it right, but people were too interested in "feathering their nest in a sea of conflict to care" we need to; dare I say it... take a few golden instructions from the Nazis... They had the seed of an imagined perfect society, but had got it wrong..

it is the controlled breeding that must be the future of a world that needs delicate FARMING... let rats loose what do they do?.. fuck themselves into total proliferation... look at the plagues of mice in Australia?... why did that happen.. because Ignorant people brought that non native animal into a country, and look at the result... devastation...

That is a Microcosm of Muslims and other sub species in Europe, I am NOT a racist, we Have zoos for specific animals dont we?... Get a life.. realise what I say is the truth...

keep the filth where the filth live, dont let them transfer to an almost civilised society... but the UK is like Australia, we let the rats in who are useless to the greater whole of organised society.. the emigrate but DONT INTEGRATE.. 

in just a 100 years I will be almost a Hero for my my beliefs... as we must subsume into a more open collective intelligence, which today is put on a back burner.. many people who want charity must be sterilised to make room for the better breed's who have worked hard, and know the meaning of sacrifice and subservience for generations of good genes put forward into the future...

When we today breed animals we choose the best variants to make the best PRODUCT... we are animals and we are PRODUCT... make no mistake, but scum are fucking their way into pre-dominance via breeding...

it is time to get real and face the future with cold decisions, to make the future world a place where your kids, wont get raped and murdered by maverick retards who have no regard for hard work and morality...

and it is time to euthanize all Life term prisoners, and use them for Fertiliser which 90% of the entire World is only fit for.. it sounds a little unbalanced to You, fat lazy pleasure seeking TV watching Scum.. but we are coming for You pigs too...

Soon (in 55 years) fat people will be fed to pigs, as useless members of society, should be the late abortions that they are destined to be... 

Kill em all, Spastics and Muslims are first in our telescopic sight.. may the love of hatred motivate you to cleanse the World of sub human "UNTERMENSCH" Heil Obama the White mans Salvation... Ironic isn't it?... I love Obama and his family.. 

yet I dont want any more asylum thieves in my country..

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