Sunday 17 February 2013

A Life in a day..

Yesterday I had a Dog.. that an elderly couple had given me from the day before.. today, which was yesterday... Confused? sorry let me explain.. I saw an advert in a local free AD paper - online, for an old Dog of 13, with cataracts and I undertook the obligation to commit to taking him in.. and having a friend with all the obligations that involves... way beyond the call of duty.. which is the landscape of love... as i see it...

Because to exercise Compassion is the most satisfying of all self motivated acts of deliberate kindness... but wait a minute, your seduced by sliding variations of emotional values... that is not actually goodness but patronising moral masturbation... 

it is a self concious act of deliberate emotional indulgence... so it is actually an evil motive... (anything that pertains to self satisfaction is subject to such critical evaluation) what at first seems like an act of kindness, is as corrupt as rape disguised as affection...

So I experienced in order of unfolding exponential expectation.. a need to give; yet a need to receive without justification... here is the Nucleus of evil.. i.e.

I want, so I will give to get what I want... which is SELFISH... and a tell tale sense of entitlement overtakes the immediate action of reason... which is delusional and unhealthy...

So here is the low-down as it happened...

They brought "Smudge" a Jack Russell cross, who took to me quickly, we had an instant rapport, but the back story is.. The Home they were now moved to excluded "Dogs" but they called me the next day and told me the Home will now let them KEEP the Doggie.. So they collected it almost exactly 24 hrs after they delivered him... 

I cant say I am not glad.. as I realised the first night that I made a stupid mistake... but thankfully fate worked out ok as described above.. and now I am liberated from the error of my initial mistake, which was to act without thinking of the long term consequences and implications of giving a Dog a home...

But at least I had a Dog for a day... and no hearts were broken...


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