Monday 12 November 2012

the pitfalls of greed...

Of all the loathsome and disgraceful characteristics of a Human, Betrayal ranks up there with murder.. When it comes to a national institution on whom we deposit not only our money; but that most precious of virtues "trust" and we discover that they have been colluding with the enemy..
When HSBC started money laundering Mexico cartel money and got caught with a £600+m pound fine... and Barclays are found with blood on their hands with Iran as a bedfellow... and the PPI debacle is living proof of deliberate dishonesty = deception which equals plain lies... 

"you should have read the small print?" but there is so much of it.. woven into a myriad of loopholes and exclusions; disclaimers and amendments at short notice... You need sea sick pills and a large bucket to look at your monthly statement... 

Where can we turn for the truth about our future security?.. both material and spiritual.. where does the trail to profit end.. in the bottomless snake pit of the traders floor, where the buck stops Humanity ends also... so it seems, Where financial incentives exist, compassion and fairness get the bullet..

at times like this I am glad to be dirt poor... coz if I had a fortune it would sure be vaporised by now, not through self indulgence and gambling, drinking and pretty prostitutes.. but via the investments I would have been persuaded to take.. had I had a wad to stick in a nest egg.. cracked because the curate dropped it..

but there is also a lesson to be learned in wanting unrealistic returns... coz when the spirit of greed gets its claws in you, Modesty and humility are slowly asphyxiated... and Dreams of Aston Martins fill your mind like a vision of paradise... 

sadly it is only when you have almost nothing, that you finally realise the true value of Money and how much a pound of butter costs.... there is one Question a banker can never answer; what is the price of happiness.. and what is worth sacrificing your soul for it... "when the worry of it will probably kill you anyway"

Save the Planet, Eat a Banker... they are fat enough for a whole village..

Why this subject?.. well I have been asked to write blogs on financial Subjects by an investment Group for their web site!.. though I am not too savy about the subject as you can see.. but I tried?... it is my first writing commission ever so that alone is very flattering... may the river of conciousness flow on...


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