Tuesday 9 October 2012

Us them they..

The Cruelty of Humans is limitless... that is my conclusion.. we must be at least a thousand years from growing up as a sentient race who can call themselves Civilised...

YouTube is a free University education when it comes to the history of our collective races.. I have been studying Trotsky, Stalin, Hitler, Alexander, despots and revolutionaries various; both sane and mad... there are no SANE ones thats a misnoma, how can you be a sane despot?... 

even Jesus was a bit unbalanced lets face it?... he amounts to a deluded Egomaniac.. who was mildly entertaining, and a bit of a manic philosopher, but miss represented by men of colossal inadequacy who used him to manipulate others... what tried to be good; turned out to be bad, where there is division between people, there will always be conflict, "Soccer Supporter Mentality, Tribalism.. Just a few Wicked men have ruined all life on Earth.. whole countrys are no longer trustworthy they have become Mafia states..

and a few thousand Thieves rule 7 Billion of us... dishonesty is endemic in every area of human interaction, from political takeovers to in between the bed sheets... and even in Childrens dried milk, to "maximise profits" Iran is exporting it's Jihad wherever any country opens its legs a little, so it can go in and infect it by the raping hand of Malevolence selfishness and Greed for domination, based on a river of misinformation and racism.. called islam, probably the most vile ideology and poisoned dogma ever devised by one of the master manipulators.. of all time on Planet Earth... things have never looked so bleek... and You sit back relax and watch TV... eating snacks... 

While Dogs and Cats are Skinned alive in China to make fluffy toys for fat spoilt western children, While Female Circumcision is still practised... we cannot even call ourselves Human: Your in denial, and that indifference is the greatest act of inhumanity itself... of course we cant all be "activists" but we can look over our shoulder and spare a thought for anothers well being..

take a step back and look at us... venomous selfish meanness and abject cruelty is everywhere... dont believe the illusion... just behind every pair of eyes is a Demon that makes the Devil look quite respectable.. as long as they condone Honour killings; marrying 11 year old girls who have no say in their fate.. and as long as hate is diguised as wholesome to perpetuate a mythical monstrous religion... as long as people are enslaved by backward peasent mythology, there will be Wars.. as long as one race thinks "they are the Good Guys" there will be conflict, and subjugation of the individual... 

as long as Children are duped into carrying bombs into crowded markets which are remotely detonated by their handlers.. and promises of paradise are crammed into their heads... as long as there is Money and religion, we will never be without the corrupted thoughts of a user... just consuming is using?... but a consuming user that does not contribute is a maggot... which are You?... I am a maggot... at least I admit it...

Rats make good pets, they have more virtues than we do... 
the real gutter rats are Us..

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