Friday 12 October 2012

Kill the Famous..

if the Taliban want to really shake our world... they should forget anonymous Soldiers.. and Kill the famous... and they will bring peace to the World.. when there is nobody left to feel envious of; the Scum of society will feel more valuable... Bomb the Oscars..!.. seize all their assets and pay off the California deficit... 

if you see a celebrity on the street and your driving a car.. Hit the fucker.. make sure you go over their head, so they cant look good as a corpse... we must erase the myths of those demi-gods who live on posters and magazine covers... it is every Peasants Duty to "Kill the famous and Eat the Rich".. 

Show no mercy... until we are all equal nobody's... will we be someone.. graven images are the works of manipulating echelons of puppet masters who pervert the course of nature.. in the minds of simple people who feel worthless... from morning to bedtime... nothing upsets a failure more, than the success of another... from the writhing nest of vipers where I see the World through their squirming bodys... that is how it looks to me...

twisted unhinged and full of venom... 
I spat at the sky but it fell into my eye...

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