Saturday 11 August 2012

End Times and Sour rhymes...

Your World is about to change, so very few people are even aware of it, let alone informed.. signs in the Heavens and stars are there to be read, but no-one much is watching... just a few "cranks" of the millennium bug variety, or as you would call Chuckle heads..

I cant wait to see your faces & Faeces running down your legs with fear for what you will lose very soon... Personally I rejoice at the absolute destruction of the Human race, all You plastic folk will melt, all you billionaires will be broke, Very few will survive, except a few the "pure" races like the Native Eskimos; Tribes in Alaska Northern Canada and those in far flung places, Who know how to survive off the land, Australian Aborigines are a tribe who will have a few left.. and they know what to do..

The Chalk Slate gets erased in a cyclic manner...  to write a new conclusion.. it happened many times before... it is not "retribution" it is the way of the Universe, those who are not informed will become animals who try to steal their way to infinity with force... but will die anyway... and most horribly..

By Summer 2013 You will see what I mean... if you live that long.. there is a place that is safe.. but You wont find it.. I give thanks that the wickedness of Humanity (contradiction in terms, but...) will be put down like a mad dog...

Because the Evil of Humankind really deserves to be wiped like an ass-hole of all the shit that remains.. Just look at where we are at?...

we are half ape hybrids that deserve a global Cull.. our meanness and pure evil are asking for it... Money is becoming worthless by the hour..

When people are Hungry, after a week they will kill for food.. when there is none to get.. we have been seduced and subdued into thinking a trip to the shop with cash will end your needs...

NO.. Nothing is more lamentable than great intelligence turned inward to become selfish and egotistic... You wont simply burn or get annulled by a bullet to the cranium, You will be tormented beyond insanity to your final resting place... which will be a real life living hell of uncontrollable anarchy.. 

I am already going through the "destruction process" so I dont mind what happens to You!... You deserve it.. You are worse than a parasite living off the host you infected, btw: You were bound to die anyway.. because all that thinks they are "perfect and civilised" get taught this same lesson... over and over and over again...

Just look at the data... look at the signs and the stars.. You are blinded by material values and expectations of fulfilment via your aspirations to excel and succeed and live a life of impossible luxury, ignoring all those who suffer for your gains... You are Slave creators, and pain makers, to small children; who you dont give a damn about, the rape victims of islam (small I small value large Evil) the victims of every bully in every culture..

We are 100,000 years from civilisation.. we are light years from the true nature of evolved existence.. we are the worst kind of life form...

the kind that ignores the suffering of the MEEK... but remember the bible? the meek shall inherit the Earth.... Which diss-includes YOU..

Roll on the divine cleansing, of (the slate) it is Your deserved fate.. it comes so soon, you cant even set your watch to measure it...

GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD SCUM, Hurry up and face the wrath of God: Your days are numbered, and I know how few those days are...

not exactly to the hour.. but close enough to tell you... "dont plan next years trip to Hawaii..." coz there will be no flights available, Damn you all..

and to hell with, Desire Money and political Power...  

I cant tell you what I know? coz I dont actually know myself... in detail... but it will be something like... no power, no phones, no internet, no nothing you were ever used to before.. When it does happen.. I will be off this rock.. with my dear friends.. the supreme Aliens... The Cutest Greys you never ever met or believed in, dont tell me.. You were not WARNED.. ass-holes... 

You are all going to die... in madness and desperation like Pigs in a Slaughterhouse, Your Squeals will entertain the wise... yet evoke no compassion, as there never was a sentient race who deserved more suffering than The kings of all paricites... like IN-human beings...

so long Suckers ... '-'

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