Friday 17 August 2012

Bad episode of a plot-less life.....

I am presently having the worst downtime of my bi-polar existence... I have slept an average of 100 hrs per week for the last 5 months approximately.. its like a sleeping sickness, it is a Bi-polar Depressive episode, and all I want to do is nothing.. I am useless to the World, always was, Everybody who ever met me hates me... Thats the way I want it.. I am a magnet for Human intolerance.. and hate..

I keep looking for a way out of it.. and that can only mean Death, the more I think about it the more seductive it gets... but the mere pleasure of another cigarette or another meal, keeps me breathing...

I live to Defecate Urinate and masturbate, not forgetting watching TV and shopping.. and even that is getting boring... I yearn for the time; after time.. i.e. after Your dead nothing will matter... but the pleasures of the body keep me kicking over... I yearn for the End of the World, coz it will save me the effort of making the monumental effort to terminate myself.. and I will get the pleasure of knowing all the crap bastards who ever wronged me will long to live!!.. as they Slowly realise their time has come... very satisfying..

While I couldnt care less, but my enemies will be in TORMENT... I long for the blackness of nothingness, and; the end of conciousness, but they will long for more life and pleasure and greed....

Which gives me an advantage... everything/one I hate will be terminally compromised into the horrors of hell.. Which I dont mind at all...  The poison of my Hatred knows no limits... and the thing I hate most of all (Islam) will be rendered flush to the bottom of the Sea...

The slate gets cleaned, and we start again in the mud and blood of new birth, without "Hollywood, Money, and the drugs that drive the free world into slavery..." the in-human race is in the cross hairs of eternal dismantlement..." ha ha fucking ha... 

Die you filth and scum, even Animals are Morally superior to us.. an Animal is inherently Natural... but the more we evolved, the more we became unnaturally twisted and distorted from any spiritual reference point.. We are the living Filth of a trillion infinitely deformed abortions, born of lust and Anger.. We didnt evolve, we grew into the most sophisticated mould that infected everything we touched.. So please God hear my Prayer..

and kill every trace of our existence.. so future Anthropologists in a million years from now, will dispute & argue the possibility that an intelligent race existed before.. as we do about the lost civilisations that also went before, yet we are incredulous to believe.. The arrogance of the times that say the old races were dumb and ignorant....

as the Aborigonies, and the Eskimos, will have the last laugh.. and survive to become the meek who inherit the Earth...

Just look at the Evil of Mankind, Vladimir Putin "the King of Thugs" and thieving bastards, re: Pussy Riot. Stalin was a Kitty cat compared to the thieving Corrupt actions of this Malevolent Ego maniac Power hungry thieving monster.. Who sends "Mothers" to prison for being brave enough to risk everything, just to make a harmless protest..

the next time he comes to Europe he ought to be assassinated for the bad mad dog he is... Mother fuckers and Islamic rapist murdering Cunts will all be annihilated when the Earth shifts to turn its back upon the Rats with 2 legs like him and the Rotting filth of Islamic Sub human culture of Hatred and Discrimination.. 

Never before in the History of Earth does the Predominant race deserve to be knocked the fuck out... We fool ourselves that we are so intelligent and clever.. but that is the illusion we will shortly be stripped of...

Roll on the grinding destruction of everything... all Art will be worthless, and erased.. all achievements will be as nothing.. only the Dreams of Children will be honoured in the new World... when the old world of Hate Ego and arrogance of the illusion of impermeability is finally burnt to ashes...

Fuck the whole Human race... That smile on your face is going to receive a knock out blow to the chin.. from which You will never recover... Roll on the End of Days.. never did an infection like you ever deserve more sorrow and destruction...

The only good people.. are all Dead.. and gone.. and you never learnt their lessons, so you must pay the final installment of the price... with Your life..

I just cant wait to see Your face.. the mask of the in-human race, ripped off and torn into pieces...

The end is Near, and I have never felt so justified to hate You all:


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