Friday 17 February 2012

in Utero Drug Use to be Compulsory

Children should be introduced to Drugs and Alcohol "in Utero" i.e. to those ignorant folk who dont know In utero is (cant spell it, and checker wont correct it) Give kids Drugs before they are born, then they wont cry so much when they are... and they wont give you sleepless nights, other alternatives are Abortion, or Drug therapy as suggested above...

if that dont work, drown em at birth.. little bastards all they want is attention, fucking Egotists.. Dicks Piss Baby Juice... Cut the Juice supply... Steralise all the 3rd world Countries, let's face it they are way too ignorant and poor to give their kids a Playstation or Xbox, in fact just kill all Kids under 35.. that will give us some breathing space...

They Farm Animals dont they?.. So let's start farming Human Pig's.. Most children are a waste of Protein... Sweat Pain and Hassle... So why not just kill the entire Human race, "Except me" as I wanna see all you mother fuckers Burn in hell, which your dumb parents think was too blind too see, Fuck you all...

Roll on Dec 21st.. The Earth has terminal Cancer.. which can only be cured by stopping the depraved ignorant filth of the Human race Erased... let the animals live who have deeply Profound in bred morality.. but Humans have NONE.. 

Kill the cancer, but unfortunately Some will survive... but wait a minute, Eskimos are almost as good as Good Animals, so let them live... Just get rid of the scum in between The North and south pole.. as long as I can live to wathch the destruction, that will make me happy... but I dont mind Dying as long as the rest of You do too... I was the Runt.. now I am the Cunt who fortells the entire destruction of all humankind...

Happy Christmas... for the 21st.. and to hell with the lot of You...

Kisses and Solar Flares are coming to give you a kiss you wont forget, or remember...

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