Friday 20 June 2014

Another Useless day in a Worthless life..

99/100'ths of the Earth's population endure just that... probably more... Make no mistake God is Money.. and all the wrong people have too much.. if you think otherwise your already living a useless life... millions barely survive day to day.. yet others squander Millions on yachts and cars so uncomfortable only children can tolerate sitting in their confined hard seats...

the perfect society is where everyone has the same wealth or nothing at all.. people with nothing are the first to offer you water in the Desert... folk with too much.. give nothing to the poor...

the poor are the richest in kindness and compassion.. its funny how absolutes usually test the spirit of generosity.. to breaking point.. We the poor demand death to the rich, as they are the abomination of humanity..

Justice is coming to the Wicked Brothers of the suffering, who dont help their own blood... Justice; the Chinese puzzle of spiritual semantics.. that nobody can unravel or comprehend... Laws are abused by those who give judgement... wherever it occurs... be it East West or South.. soon you will be in the Mouth of the beast that eats you... Beware no one survives the Jaws of Death.. all sins are paid back in full.. to those that initiate hate for no reason...

it is How the Mighty are slain:

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