Tuesday 12 November 2013

Primal Emotions...

Beware of the Ape within You.. those Primal Emotions just under your skin.. the "Red Fit" of Rage anger and wicked deeds... brought about by a gamut of classical deadly sins... Jealousy is a beast with claws and teeth... tearing out your heart like a sacrificial offering...

Nobody teaches you how to feel... you always work alone on that for yourself.. better to be wary of passion and it's consequences.. When Those Show stopping reactions flip You out.. then you later realise you went too far... and wonder why your in Jail doing 25 to life... 

True Education exists on several levels.. the personal learnt trial and errors of sociological interaction.. where you either fit of you dont... and the schoolroom lessons of fact and actuality in semantics reason and maths.. that registers a mind in the confines of three dimensions.. 

Better lean to Draw.. or at least copy your personal Icons... Who can know what the imprint of influence comes from...  Picasso never knew what He was going to end up with until it started to look like something... Anger works like a doodler... until it stabs the paper and throws the Art of life into the trash.. and sells the idea to a Galley...

When fools think good taste is bad Art... when it is a whore from hell that screams like a Banshee... to shock delight and repulse all at once...

Welcome to Mental illness.. that looks like life itself... yet is all made by numbers.. Art is the reaction to the absurdity on relegated laws of collective Primal Ethnic perceptions...

Beware of the Scream that becomes a blot... then starts to elaborate.. into beautiful complexity... if its difficult to understand it must be clever... when simplicity in Nature is the greatest complexity of all... so see the real inside the cell within the nucleus inside the quantum field there are nanos of perfection you cannot realise....

It is so much bigger than you.... When size is relative to its need to have mass.. anti matter is the thing that keeps all stuff apart... without it we'd be crushed into a singularity about to bust.. that what gives birth to a new Cosmos... the inability to contain everything in a small box.

And Emotions and Mass collective missdirection is all the Anti-Christ.. who was the 79 false profit.. a profit without a share balance.. which equals starvation of culture... yes IRAN and the JUNK of 79.. We must not forgive... but persue the wicked right into the fresh grave...

We.. but there is no we; until the Good Nazi returns... friend of our fiends and a friend till the end.. God Save us from the Islamic infection... thats a joke.. its one fiction in favor of another.. there is no truth until they tell you there is:

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