Monday 1 July 2013

Blog = Borg

When you post a Blog.. you are literally Taking to God.. 0 Yes you are... because God is mind, herds of sheep and cattle do not have access to the net, so one must assume people are reading it, not just web bots...

and the collective mind; is the definable absolute definition of God... of which we are particles... in a larger Sand dune... in a universe of deserts... 

it is like a prayer you give to the wind in a whisper... but it carries far further than servers... deep into the silent network of sentient embodiments.. of mad semi civilised monkeys and a few grey aliens no doubt...

if you give your heart to God, then nobody can take it from you, theoretically.. because those who would cut your heart out to eat it for themselves, are a part of God that has not yet got connected to the larger view of all things as they are... 

so however bad a situation is, everything is always final, at that point in the mystery's of uncertainty... and will pass.. Your life has no real worth at all, to overcome everything, realise you are, Nothing special... and be content with simplicity... contentment is a much sought after state to any one who recently lost their mind... or a pet, or someone they loved...

Try it when you get desperate.. sigh out; resign; and accept it.... it is what Buddah did; done; does; do... 

Can You could You will You Would You..? i.e. it is better to die with hope in your heart than fear in your mind...


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