Sunday 21 April 2013

Vladimir Putin is Dead...

Vladimir Putin is Dead... Praise the lord.. the vengeance of the kind and humble will get their justice, like all dictators are tumbled from high towers, the truth is; He has been Dead for a long long time... only an animated corpse is like a puppet of the Devil...

His assassins are his closest friends... he will choke on poisoned food, like Stalin did, He was Murdered... so will his Politburo it is agreed amongst us.. the task force of Z.. we are the liberators of the Whole Russian People... We are the conspiring rats that eat it's master...

We are the Pussy with teeth.. who come in the darkness to end the reign of wickedness and usury of the innocent and the good.. the price of evil, shall return unto the perpetrator... 

He who steals from the poor will be robbed of life and loose all he took, Putin deserves shooting.. but he will sip the poison of his own devising...

All Hail the free Russian People.. Vladimir Putin is Dead, let us Spit on his Corpse and shit on his grave, then rape his children with white hot pokers up their backsides... Burn the Kremlin and tear the icons down, Vladimir Putin is Dead, he got too much Cyanide in his Head... Let us celebrate justice never comes too late..

Rejoice and be glad... Vladimir Putin is Dead.. 

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