Friday 12 October 2012

Women are Flowers...

Women are Flowers; they bud and bloom early; and stay beautiful for years... the same reason flowers do.. so that their deeply hidden nectar can be retrieved by worker bees.. even for years after they cease to be fertile... it is all part of the undeniable process of perpetual attraction...

all good intentions are ultimately corrupting.. in direct ratio to their ulterior motive.. and latent intent...

But Women are like Flowers, when they rot, crack, and lose their Youth all you want to do is... put them in the trash.... the credit card of infinite Emotional promises and much gentle procrastination is what gets you in their Pussy.. such are the total lies of inhuman love.. but when they exhibit signs of decay and lack of freshness, all you want is a nice new one.. it's got to be illegal to make it really exciting... 

but what your missing is... it's all in your mind... and it's not criminal there...  ultimately the "act" is entirely subjective and amounts to "friction and imagination" When they can give you life in prison for your thoughts... we will all be locked up.. nobody is innocent in the landscape of desire... or more cruel to, get what You want..

he Who is not guilty of Lust?... throw the first stone...

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