Sunday 19 June 2011

Children are the Most Dangerous People on Earth...

You probably know that's true already, and I dont need to explain it to You.. but if you do, let me attempt to do it to it...

All Kids are Idiots Pretty much... thats what Kids are... IDIOTS.. Question where do Kids stop and Adults begin?... tough one..
the need for Ugenics was never so pertinent... Steralize the sub's and shoot the retards... and uthanise all the Lower strata of society..

Dont kill em in the womb, kill the parents ability to reproduce another fucking usless piece of shit machine... in fact only the well educated should be allowed to procreate.. as and imbecile will always regenerate another imbecile... usually... come on it's not an exact science...

But if I ruled the World.. I would erase all the uncivilised, why wait for these dumb fucks to catch up with us huh?... it would take a thousand years, their ignorance is IN-Grained... from the corruption of their birth..

remember only 000000000000000000000000000000000.0001 percent of all humanity made the things we cant invent ourselves... we are nothing but food for big cats... and maggots...

Roll on the Holocaust... cant wait to go to hell and watch the bastards burn... now that is Entertainment...


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